

Before I embark on a savage turkey bender, and OD on the "Rocky" and "A Christmas Story" Marathons, I wanted to get all liner notes-ey with it and send some thank yous out to some awesome people for working with me over the last year:

Zac & Sole Collector Magazine. House Of Blues. Live Nation. Kenny Burns & Studio 43. James Sliman. In Absentia. Jason & Fractured Transmitter Recording Co. Atom Bomb Tattoo. ListenClose Music Group. Defiance Tattoo. DJ Steph Floss. Mick Boogie. Terry Urban. Jostin & Less Avenged. Tika Sumpter. James Sliman. Crowd Deterrent. Numb. Creepout. Matt @ Coalmine Records. Harlan @ 6196 Promotions. Overload Fitness. Bill Peters & Auburn Records. Derek & Marty @ Strhess. Bill & the crew @ Go Media.

It's hopefully evident I'm thankful to make a living doing what I love, and it's only because of the people above that it's possible. There are for sure some omissions here, they are certainly not on purpose.

With that said, have a happy thanksgiving, and show no mercy on those leftovers.

Pants Pantsley



Here's a small sketch I did a while ago of Mister Sinister. Dunno why I like it (save for the weird veins in the temple), but it's been sitting in my notebook for long enough I figure I'd stash it somewhere it wouldn't get wrecked. I think I'll start posting more sketches here and there...feedback is always appreciated.



DJ Obscene Logo

Hi everybody, sorry for the lack of updates. Let me bring you guys back up to speed with a logo for Miami's own DJ Obscene I finished up last week. Plenty of stuff on the horizons, some apparel work, some good ol' fashioned disc packaging. Things are looking up.