

I'd like to introduce you all to Gav...the guy who really gave me my first taste of the creative industry, while I was still in art school. He let me come in, pick the brain of him and his team of animators and learn the nuts and bolts of traditional animation.

And he paid me! A notion a the time that blew my mind, and to this day still kinda does. Guys like this in my still somewhat young career I'm real thankful for, and while my professional path has not quite led to animation, his insights and ability to draw cute and cuddly aliens and animals still stick with me. So thanks internet, for leading me back to Gav. He's a real nice, talented guy and now runs a studio called Horrendous Fiasco. Get to know him! Thanks Gav.

the holiday in a nutshell...

Okay, I get it now. This may as well be a crackpipe hooked up to a wii.
Could this be the end of Pants Pantsley's productivity?
Stay Tuned!
Merry Christmas Charlie Brown!


Pants + Sneakerfiles = Friends!

The dudes at Sneaker Files are now an affiliate. Think I'm lying? Check the right side of my sweet page under the category "FRIENDS". Hit me up if you wanna trade links. It can be just like baseball cards, just with a smaller sense of suspense and likelihood you'll score that Bo Jackson rookie you've been pining over.


entertainment weekly

Caught this nod to Mick Boogie & Busta Rhymes' Dillagence in the pages of Entertainment Weekly...now about getting that sweet sweet cover in there mr. editor man...

weekend motivation

Grab yourself a cup of high test coffee, set your $14.99 radio shack desktop speakers up to blast mode and press play.

If this won't compel you to weekend warrior greatness nothing will.

The aforementioned video got me thinking about growing the Martin Riggs action thriller mullet akin to the one above.


ok ok!

Made some tweaks and additions to the portfolio site.
On the horizon, some dvd graphics, more mixtapes, some apparel graphics, hopefully a sandwich and a powernap.
Got pretty excited when I saw this.
Like The Matrix meets Sobchak meets Mario Kart.
All it's missing is the choppy-run-on-badly-translated dialogue.



While I feverishly await more online images and trailers of batman whooping ass (and nipple & belly button-free costumes), this poster (assuming it's official) for the upcoming "Dark Knight" movie serves as a pretty simple and clever diversion. It appears the movie's official website offers no further fulfillment as well, at least for now.


Just wrapped up a cover for Terry Urban's new bananas mixtape "How My Brain Works". Terry alleges it is in fact "pineapples" while I contend it is in fact "bananas". Either way, it is an instant party jam session just in time for the holidays.

If you're in Cleveland, he'll be throwing a party in celebration of its release at B-Side Liquor Lounge with Mick Boogie This Saturday Night (Dec. 8), with copies of their new mixtapes ("Dillagence" & "How My Brain Works") on hand.


happy birthday hov! (diamond sign with candles)

It's here....(almost). - THE NEWPRINT BY Rocafella's own Young Chris and The Pride of Clevo Mick Boogie aka The Commissioner. Cover by some wacky guy.

Terry Urban
is next....this one is shaping up to be something special, visually and musically. Prepare for wildness.


The Newprint

A weekend well spent designing another mixtape from Mick Boogie...coming to an internet near you..SOON!



Just posted some new pieces over at my portfolio site. In the works: Terry Urban mixtape, Killswitch Engage poster, and some new Mick Boogie mixtapes.

Life is good.